Quite simply, Ev Dylan is one of my favorite photographers. To me, a great photo is one that the second you look at it has the ability to change your mood, your current emotion, your thought process. The change may last just a millisecond, a minute, maybe much longer but no matter the length of time, in some small way the photo permanently changes the way you look at the world.
Ev's work consistently does this to me. It is why I love showcasing his work. Every time I spend time at Ev's site, with his work the same thing happens. I mention it every time I write about Ev because the small change it creates in me happens each time and it is quietly powerful. A slow rush of serenity and calmness always following clicking on Ev's site in my favorites folder. I think it is because the ways Ev shoots, his choice of model, his use of light somehow evokes for me that feeling of early morning. The time when the sun is rising, when the world is still, quiet and day is still full of possibilities. Clean, clear and most of all sensual.
If you want to see for yourself, please spend a little time at my previous posts of Dylan's work with: Matthew Hartwig, Levi Ward, Mason O'Sullivan HERE & HERE, Sedani, DW Chase, and his book LUST!

Ev just returned from a couple of weeks in Australia. One of his first tasks was to overall his site. Fotoicono has always been a showcase for his work but Ev has done a beautiful of job organizing Fotoicono to be user friendly and he is now showcasing his models with indiviaul portfolios starting with Matthew Hartwig. Head on over and check out the new Fotoicono HERE:
While in Australia, Ev shot model and ballet dancer Matthew Carey.
'Matt was a new model I stumbled across in Perth, Australia. He had an incredible energy about him. While this was just a quick test shoot, we have already begun plans for a much longer and more creative shoot in a few months. Matt, like most dancer/models I have worked with, has a great sense of presence and brings true artistry to a project. He has a fun playfulness to him which made a test shoot quite entertaining. I see amazing work coming from our next collaboration.'
Matthew never considered himself a model or even model material, but when Ev contacted him, he was eager to do a shoot. Matt figured that even if it didn't work out, it still would have been a fun experience.
'When I met Ev, I knew that it would work. His photography was beautiful and at a standard I aspire to be at. He was friendly and easy to get along with but mainly he knew what he wanted and how to get it. I had never done modeling before so I was kind of nervous but Ev made it enjoyable and an easy work environment. I very much look forward to working with him again in the future'
Check out Matthew's newly created ModelMayhem page HERE: