Go For Broke:
Brock Chapman by Karl Simone

I got quite a few emails wanting to see more of model Brock Chapman after I first profiled his work with photographer John M. Clum (see post HERE:) Brock has been quite busy since that post most recently shooting an editorial for the art and fashion journal, Supplementaire with photographer Karl Simone. Check out the entire 10 page spread (beginning on page 196)in issue #4 Big Love, HERE:

The work of Brenton Parry-

Friend and Blog Mate Brenton Parry from Aussielicious launched his first solo exhibition this week 'Shrouded'. The exhibit runs February 2nd – 13th and if your in the Sydney area I encourage you to check it out. For the many of us not fortunate enough to be in Australia, you can see more shots and check out more info at Brenton's site HERE: You can also read more about it at Aussielicious HERE:

'My life has been one great journey – a chaotic collection of events. But all along this journey I developed a love for photography, which centres on outer beauty and in particular portraiture photography, which centres on the often more hidden inner beauty. Shrouded has allowed me to bring both together.'
Brenton Parry