Recently I had the pleasure of watching 2008's Dog Tags from writer and director Damion Dietz. Dietz, who I knew mostly from his work in comedies has created a truly unique and beautiful relationship based dramatic film.

Above: Paul Preiss

Above: Bart Fletcher
Dietz creates two very unique and intriguing men in characters Nate and Andy (actors Paul Preiss and Bart Fletcher). Both characters are searching, for belonging, and their place in the world. Both characters are not only interesting, but flawed and lovable. Preiss and Fletcher creating heartbreaking moments as two people who meet up and for a brief time, deeply impact each others lives. Through their interactions, one journey completes and another begins.

The journey both Nate and Andy travel through is beautifully told. Through his writing and exceptional directing, Dietz creates a film I really enjoyed and highly recommend. I love how Dietz leaves so much unexplained, including his main characters sexuality. The film remained my thoughts long after the credits rolled. There is enough nudity to satisfy but it is the relationship between Nate and Andy which is truly fulfilling.

Dog Tags
Written & Directed by Damion Dietz
Paul Preiss...........Nate Merritt
Bart Fletcher.........Andy Forte
Diane Davisson........Louise Forte
Candy Clark...........Deb Merritt
Amy Lindsay...........Trish Huddle
Hoyt Richards.........Gene