The other day I wrote about going through the check counter with my parents as a kid begging to get the Archie Comic digests. When you walk through the check outs today you are assaulted by shots of Lindsay Lohan, Kate Gosslin, Charlie Sheen and the Bachelor (thankfully Paris Hilton seems to now be old news).
How nice it was then on Sundays SAG awards (that I just finally watched yesterday) that they honored Ernest Borgnine. 94 year old Ernest was never a star, but always an actor who has appeared in 167 films and countless tv shows. I was first introduced to Borgnine as a kid watching The Poseidon Adventure (below)on a late night movie. Character actors rarely get their due and it was nice to see this talented actor get his due. I have never seen Marty, the movie he won the Oscar for, but I am on the hunt for it and other of Borgnine's movies.
When you watched the short clip package, Borgnine has worked with all the greats over the past 70 years. His story is far more interesting than any of the current crop of talentless reality personalities who seem to be on each and every magazine cover. Put him on your cover People Magazine and I might actually buy an issue again.