It is said every year, hell maybe by me but this years Academy Awards was the worst in my 20 or so years of watching. There were so many reasons and not one in particular that made the show so horrid. The hosts cannot be blamed fully. Although Franco looked high and uncomfortable with Hathaway, both did their best with the material supplied. The writing was ok, not great, not bad. The winners predictable and no real moments of emotion. The highlight for me was seeing Eli Wallach whom I cannot help but adore.

Yes, every blog is showcasing James Franco's lovely tutu clad derrière today (thanks Superherfan!) but it is a shame that the opening skit was the high point of the 3 hours. I think in a year with new hosts and very few surprises with the winners it was important to be especially creative with the actual show. The producers and writers were most certainly were not. The show needed to pull out the talent, not the beauty in it's presenters. Jake Gyllenhaal is a great actor and beautiful to look at but a snooze as a presenter. Where were Will Ferral, Jack Black, Chris Rock? In years past, a talented comedian presenting often provided much needed laughs. You just know if Ricky Gervais was there he would not have let Halle Berry's current custody battle go unmentioned.
Of course, like the rest of the world Melissa Leo bugged the shit out of me. She may have deserved the award but she has annoyed one and all each time she has stepped up to the mike this award season. She has the award, but we shall see if it leads to future work.
Oscar producers, no matter how much it costs, please pay whatever it takes to drag Billy Crystal back next year! No matter how lame the awards may be, his openings always deliver!