When I got home late last night I contemplated just heading straight to bed. But...I knew I had Glee on the DVR and although I was not exactly looking forward to a Justin Bieber themed episode (no matter how much the producers said otherwise) I decided a little Glee after the long day I had would be a nice way to end it.

Well the episode was not exactly one the shows best but... It did accomplish two things. Firstly although I always thought Chord Overstreet was a cutie (especially in all the shirtless scenes the show puts him in), last night he moved to an official crush. (Still not up there with Harry, but close). His lack of dancing abilities made his performances all that more adorable.
Secondly, and most thanks to Chord, I actually for the first time ever sort of enjoyed a Justin Bieber song. Again, Chords moves sold it. Frightening however is that there is something to that Bieber hair cut craze... all the Glee guys actually look good in their Bieber dos....

On the downside, the episodes writing was only so so with Sue's storyline being not only a yawn fest but with that Sue & Will visiting the sick children scene yet again repeated the Sue gets a heart scene they continue to shove down our throat week after week. Sue getting a heart scenes are about on par with the coyote getting squished with a boulder pushed from the road runner...Means nothing.
I also am not a fan of the character of Lauren in a lead role. I think she makes a great supporting school player, much like Principal Figgins and Jacob. As a lead, the actress and the character are quickly getting annoying. Also, if Glee continues to make any actor who makes a splash a regular I would expect Tina, Artie, Mike and maybe even Mercedes to join Matt at whatever school he transferred.

Above: No Chord in the shot above, but Damn....Harry looks hot!!!