Adam from Gods.
I have profiled the work of Indiana photographer Scott Barnes. My first post from last fall (Gods In Spirit: Scott Barnes Photography) profiled the motivating forces driving Scott's work and featured his work with Mel. Most recently I featured Scott's work with model Trevor Werner.
Below: Trevor Werner & Mel

Below Brad O

Scott's work is a beautiful blend of history (Apollo, Perseus and classic Greek images of the male form) with the present. In Scott's new site, Vir Impudicus, the sections are divided into his favorite themes and styles of presentation. Gods, Editorial, Erotica, Shower & Drifters. Each section of the site is unique. In Gods, for example Scott presents his models in classic poses, using minimal props and color. The men in Gods are strong, in control. In Drifters set is crucial and color, lighting and props set the mood. The men in Drifters are searching, isolated and without a home base. Be sure to check out more of Scott work at Vir Impudicus.
Below: Ross

Below: Michael from Drifters.

Below: The adorable Matt