'If my photographs could speak they would describe a thousand beautiful words'
There are certain values that seem to weave through many of the talented artists that I have profiled from Australia. Tolerance, dignity, equality and most of all respect are all themes that permeate through their work. The work of Alex Photopoint is a perfect example.
Below: Muay Thai

'Every time I take a photograph I put my heart and my sole into making each shot a reflection of the true beauty of each subject. I believe everyone is beautiful inside and I try to bring their beauty to my photographs. All my dreams and my passion are captured within my photography.'
Below: Robin

Photopaint sums up the work of Alex both simply and accurately. Sintawee Sittirangsan (Alex) was born in Bangkok, Thailand and moved to Sydney, Australia to study at the Australian Centre for Photography. Capturing a moment is just part of the process for Alex. Equally important is using his creativity, his artistry to capture the raw essence and emotions in his subjects. Using his models as inspiration, his aim is not just to create a photo, but to use that image as a beginning, a base, for creating a fantasy stemming of his feelings and emotions.
'I use my paintbrush and colours in the same way that I use my camera and lenses.'
Below: David Carty

Check out more of the work of Alex Photopaint at his official site HERE: & on ModelMayhem HERE:
Below: Ivan Scannell

Below: Matt

Below: Stu Dugan

Josh Lomax-Jones by Alex Photopaint

Many of you know that I have a particular passion for the use of windows in the work I profile. The natural light and the theme of reflection, both inward and external is fascinating to me. What is being seen by the person looking out and what is being seen by those looking in. This series featuring Josh Lomax-Jones was what initially drew me to Alex's work.