I know my posts about Glee have been a little inconsistent (much like the show itself). On one hand I love the show, on the other it often drives me crazy. This past Tuesdays episode was a good example. While there were moments that were exceptional, much of the rest was really quite bad. Ryan Murphy shows generally bring out this mixed bag of feelings in me. From Popular to Nip/Tuck both shows were a combination of brilliance and crap. This seems to be Murphy's stock and trade.

I am curious to see what becomes of the Warblers. Glee knows it uncovered a star in Darren Criss and he is due to become a regular. What does that mean though for Kurt and the Warblers. It was announced this week there will be a new CD featuring just the music from them. It impossible to think about how to keep Criss, and the rest of the Warblers without either having Kurt remain at Dalton Academy or having the entire group move to McKinley. The show can barely handle the number of cast members they already have (sorry I am also one of those who feels Ashley Fink was an effective day player, but an annoying regular). The Warblers appear to be heading off soon...just not sure for how long.

Although I am glad the Kurt Show took a brief break I cannot be the only fan of Glee looking to see more story lines featuring Mike, Tina and Mercedes? I am even missing Rachel a bit.