Dylan Rosser is back from his holidays and is based in LA for the next several months.
'In an effort to move The Male Form to the next level I decided to start inviting guest photographers to submit work and showcase some of the amazing talent that is out there. As I discovered a while back, there really isn't many ways for photographers to showcase full frontal male nudity. If you are shooting fashion there are many magazines you can submit to but how many great full frontal images are lying around on photographers hard drives without the opportunity to be seen. So I decided to start buying exclusive content from people who focus on "The Male Form".'

We are fortunate first up is FH Favorite Thomas Synnamon and Dylan recently updated his site with Thomas' work with NY based model Danny. As always you can see the entire set at THE MALE FORM HERE: and you can check out more of the work of Thomas Synnamon at his official site HERE: