I have written in the past that one of my inspirations for FH was BeautifulMag. I loves it clean classy look but more importantly I love the respect it shows the artists it features. As someone who at one time had the goal of professional photographer (I have written about the various weddings I shot) I have grown to loath the countless sites and blogs that post shot after shot of someones work with little to no text, sometimes their name, most times not even that.
In the tradition of BeautifulMag, FH tries to go beyond the photo and look at what went into to creating it. When FH does it job best I try to blend the view of the photographer and model (and stylist or make-up artist when able) to give a feel of what went into the creative process. It continues to fascinate me how some shots came together.

I felt privileged to discover the work of photographer David Wagner earlier this fall. David's work immediately jumped out at me. It is difficult to find new and creative ways to shoot the male form but through David's lens I really felt I was seeing something new and exciting. David generously has shared both his work and his thoughts about his work. (See David's work on FH HERE: & HERE:). It was wonderful recently to see David's work showcased on Beautiful. David's shots of the ultra hot Carlos Villar are spectacular and if you have not seen the shoot please head over to Beautiful HERE: and check them out ASAP!
Must add a Happy Birthday today to Rob From BeautifulMag!