-Quinn Danger-

Deciding what shoot of Marlen's to begin the new weekly feature with was not an easy task...until seeing Marlen's second shoot with Quinn Danger from just a few weeks ago. Quinn has the all American look, blonde hair, beautiful hazel eyes, great facial structure and of course the beautiful body.

21 year old Quinn is a from Minneapolis, Minnesota and is currently studying physical therapy and nutrition in Winona. Quinn is very comfortable in front of the camera and is looking to move towards commerical and fashion work.
Quinn Danger
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 185 lbs
Waist: 32"
Shoe: 11.0
Hair color: Blonde
Hair length: Short
Eye color: Hazel
Skin color: White
Experience: Some Experience
Check out Quinn on ModelMayhem HERE:

'Quinn is eager to learn, happy to try out my latest shoot ideas, and willing to wear but a towel and a smile.'
Marlen Boro

'I absolutely love working with Marlen. He is as professional as they come giving a comfortable atmosphere to work in along with making it ungodly fun with his confident and caring personality. His work is spectacular simply as proofs, but when he puts his editing skills to work the product always turns out 110% better than I could have imagined.'
Quinn Danger