Above: Jonny by EyeBully.
'The subtle click of the camera, the pop of the lights, and the transformation of an ordinary-looking guy into a stunning photograph'
Below: Jonny by JR Shot You.

I would bet most people have had times when their self esteem has taken a kick or maybe even gotten a boost when viewing a picture of themselves. I am generally ok with how I look in pictures except when it is a shot taken at work. Fluorescent lighting is not our friend...
Transformation has been a theme that consistently pops up when I communicate with models about their work. I love Jonny's quote about being an ordinary guy who morphs into something special in photographs. I was initially tempted to write there is nothing ordinary about Jonny but the more I thought about it I am more inclined to respect his statement and say we are all actually quite ordinary. It is what we do, how we live our lives and most importantly how we are viewed which can transform us to something extraordinary.
Next two shots by Krisopher Kelly.

Jonny is a writer who lives and works in Brooklyn. Jonny is not really interested in flexing for the camera or showcasing fashion or products. Jonny's main interest is the aforementioned transformation. Jonny loves to work with photographers interested in experimenting with lighting, post-production effects and different looks and concepts. Through this creative process, the 'ordinary' writer, transforms into something more sculptural or painterly.
Below: Jonny by Patrick Mulcahy.

Below: Jonny by Y why Y why Y.

Below: Jonny by Beauty Prison.

Below: Beautiful shot by Tony Jones.