A few weeks ago I was doing some research on stories of coming out in mainstream movies and televison. I watched several coming stories in movies and as well a few television shows which had a main character going through this sometimes difficult process.

I must say one of the best came from somewhere I did not expect, ‘Dawson’s Creek’. I had watched Dawson’s off and on through the years, but truthfully never really paid much attention. I know this story is old to some, but I had not realized the power it held until seeing it again. After re-watching the journey of Dawson’s Creek character Jack, I must give kudo’s to the shows writers and producers and of course the actor Kerr Smith. Jack’s journey hit close to home for me and as well mirrored that of many that I know.

Dawson’s did take some safe roads (which is to be expected on tv) by having Jack not exhibit any stereotypical gay characteristics (what are they anymore anyway...). They also had Jack good looking and a football star. I can forgive Dawson’s Creek for this as Kerr Smith is one of only a handful of actors on a television drama to play an openly gay character as a main cast memeber. The writers of Creek carefully had the audience get to know Jack, initially setting him up in a love triangle with Joey and Dawson. As this storyline evolved you could see Jack was struggling with who he was. Jack was not allowed to struggle privately however as a teacher at Cape Side hide shoved him out of the closet.

These scenes of Jack being forced to share his secret with the world with both heartbreaking and as well empowering. Actor Joshua Jackson was also great as Pacey, whose own struggles with school were mixed in with Jack’s storyline.

Kerr Smith did an outstanding job with the scenes put before him, especially effective were some of his scenes with tv dad (the wonderful and sadly missed David Dukes). To me it was refreshing that this coming out story was not just about Jack coming out to others, but as well Jack coming out to himself and accepting who he was. I only wish such mainstream storylines were featured on tv a decade or two ago when I was going through similar struggles. Kudo’s to Kerr Smith and those behind this groundbreaking story on Dawon’s Creek!