This is my first Big Brother post of the season, and it is too soon to see if it will be the last... I have been very busy this summer, so just sat down last night to watch the first 3 episodes of the season. I do not have the feeds this year and have had little time to check out much on the message boards, so my feelings so far are mostly about the episodes as the air on CBS (which I know are HEAVILY edited).
So far I am not loving anyone with the exception of maybe Casey. I liked Lydia after episode one (thought she was beautiful and cool as hell), but loathed her after episode 2. Was not thrilled Jesse was back (although he is ok eye candy), but was thrilled Cowboy never made it back in. I would have prefered Brian.
I am not loving Big Brother yet this season, but will give it another couple of weeks. I do like Jeff, though I know from the little I have read he and others are not being shown quite like they appear on the feeds. He is a cutie though. I tend to let most off the hook for negative comments they make given we the viewer don't really understand the pressures of being in that house and things we might not otherwise say in real life tend to come out when in that house.
I have enjoyed Big Brother over the years, some more than others. I remember the summer of 2000. I had just finished Univeristy and had my first summer of working full time. Although I missed the freedom of fun filled summers, the physical work I did each day had me staying home most nights going to bed early. I watched the first Big Brother all the time, online (when the feeds were free) and on tv (Do I remember correctly is was on 5 nights a week then?). I loved Big Brother 1, even though many found it boring as hell.

Since then I have watched almost every season (skipped most of 4 and did not watch any of the winter edition). I have had my BB crushes, mostly involving guys named Will. Dr. Will always got me going and I LOVE LOVE Will Wikle, not just because he is adorable, but because he cracks me up. Will is one of the wittiest guys around and needs his own talk show STAT!
Anyway, I shall see how the summer progresses. Big Brother is trash tv at it's best or worst depending on the cast and the twists (once in awhile ok, other times garbage) the producers throw at us. Who is watching and who is your favorite???

Above and Below (l-r) Jeff, Jordan, Jess and Braden.