Cristiano Ronaldo
Sorry for this first one, I know he is one of the most popular guys in the bloggisphere... But Cristiano Ronaldo does nothing for me. Can I see he is hot...for sure, but I require a bit more in a guy than just a bod. Any guy remotely connected to Paris Hilton also automatically loses points in my bood.

George Clooney:
George Clooney seems the 'straight mans' hunk. It seems straight men feel safe for some reason naming George Clooney as hunk of the century. Women seem to like him too. Not I. I loved George on ER, he did some of his best work on that show, but as far as hunks go, give me Anthony Edwards or Eriq La Salle any day. Also, does anyone but me have no interest in those Ocean movies! I would rather go to the dentist than an Ocean movie. Talented for sure, but George does nothing for me in the hunk department.

Jared Padalecki:
First let me say, like some others, I like Jared Padalecki. As a fan of 'Gilmore Girls' Jared was certainly a cutie. My problem with Jared is that I often find him rather bland. Might be his acting, or might be that in his two biggest roles on 'Gilmore Girls' and 'Supernatural' he has played against for more interesting actors to me. (On GG, I was a big Jess (Milo Ventimiglia) fan who was a far more interesting character. On Supernatural, not sure who could shine standing next to Jensen Ackles! Even when seeing Jared as the lead in the recent 'Friday The 13th' I could not help but feeling Jared was playing 'tough' more than actually being tough. Cute and likable for sure, but beyond that Jared often fades into the background in most of the projects I have seen him in.

Matthew McConaughey:
Killer bod for sure, but with the exception of some early work in drama's I have yet to see a recent Matthew McConaughey movie that I like. He might be fun for a one night stand, but beyond that, MacConaughey does nothing for me. Seems like he would make an amazing friend, funny and full of life, but that is far as it goes for me.

Tom Selleck:
Growing up in the 80's, it seemed like the only hunk that mattered on tv was Tom Selleck. I did not see it. Might have been the stash, might have been the fact I never watched more that 2 minutes of Magnum, but Tom Selleck's appeal was always a mystery to me. Tom, like George Clooney above, might be one of those guys who appeals more to women than men but the closest I got to liking Tom was his stint on 'Friends'.

Patrick Dempsey:
I remember thinking Patrick Dempsey was cute in some of his early movies. I remember thinking Dempsey was talented when I saw him guest on shows like 'Once And Again' and 'The Practice'. I also remember that once Grey's Anatomy started any positive feelings I had went out the window. Maybe it was because I much prefer Justin Chambers (who I think has twice the talent and appeal) or maybe it was seeing Dempsey on talk shows appearing, to me anyway, quite arrogant about his new found 'Hunk' status. There was also something 'off' to me when reading about Patrick and his wife. Don't get the appeal...

Jonas Brothers:
Yes, I am 34, so maybe it is the fact the Jonas Brothers are so young, or maybe it is because I am more of an alternative rock kind of guy, but I for the live of me cannot get the appeal of the Jonas Brothers. I can see however the appeal to a 13 year old girl, and for them, the Jonas Brothers seem to be pretty decent role models. Beyond that though, the hype goes over my head.

Robert Pattinson:
Like many of the guys above, I do like Robert Pattinson. But...I really liked him in 'Harry Potter'. Maybe it was all the build up about 'Twilight' that turned me off a bit (I thought the movie did not come close to living up to it's hype...) or maybe it is because if I had my pick of 'Twilight' vamps it would be Cam Gigandet by a mile! I was on the fence about including Robert as besides 'Twilight' and 'Harry Potter' I have yet to see him in anything, so I reserve the right to remove him from the list in the future.