In the US, the big brother message boards were all a flutter before the show aired about the hot guys this season. Then, within a few weeks of the show airing, most were filled with mostly negative posts about the guys and some of the things they have done or said in the house. As I stated before, I don't usually judge too harshly on what is said by many in the house. Yes, I have my boundaries but at the same time I think almost anyone under the pressure of that house might say things they normally would not say. Also, we tend to fixate on words when the words only mean what we assume they do. Some words offensive to us may not be said with hate or malice, it is all in how we see things.

If you have been turned off by the US Big Brother, get on youtube or another site and watch some clips of Rodrigo from Big Brother UK. Rodrigo is an odd mix of completely adorable and completely annoying to me. Odd combination I know. This 23 year old student is from Brazil, by his own account is a devoted Christian and close to his family back in Brazil. At the same time he claims to date both men and women and seems to enjoy teasing the audience with his looks while in the house. Rodrigo claims to have not had interest in men until he moved to England and says if he see's a good looking person he is attracted to them regardless of gender.
Rodrigo, certainly a breath of fresh air over Jesse, Russell and Ronnie...