I was 15 the first time I visited Quebec. I had never been to Europe but I felt like I was there as I walked the streets of old Montreal. I felt like I had stepped back in time. Over the next 10 years I was back and forth to Montreal over a dozen times. I had two good friends attending McGill and would often go up for weekends. The best croissants for breakfast, the architecture, the culture. My attempts at speaking the language were usually met with polite smiles and the odd annoyance from shop owners who told me not to bother. I am sure for those who live their, the experience is much different but for someone who had so many amazing times in the city, it seemed magical.

J'avais 15 ans quand j'ai visité le Québec pour la première fois. Je n'avais jamais été en Europe mais je me sentais comme si j'y étais en marchant dans les rues du Vieux Montréal. Je me sentais comme si j'étais retourné dans le temps. Dans les dix années suivantes j'ai fait l'aller retour vers Montréal une douzaine de fois. J'avais deux bons amis qui fréquantaient l'université McGill et qui souvent fêtaient les weekend. Les meilleurs croissants au déjeuner, l'architecture, la culture. Mes essaies pour parler la langue furent acceuillis habituellement avec les sourires polis et de curieux agacements de la part des commerçants qui me disaient de ne pas m'en faire. Je suis certain que pour ceux qui y vivent, l'expérirence est très différente mais pour quelqu'un qui avait eu des moments si sensationnels dans cette ville, cela semblait magique.

Maxime Bernier reminds me of my time in Quebec and the beauty of the city. He has an amazing body and I especially love that he has kept his natural chest hair. Maxime also has such great face with exquisite features highlighted by his beautiful greenish blue eyes. The 20 year old nursing student keeps in shape by supplementing his time at the gym with judo. Although busy with school and a job working in a restaurant at a seniors centre, like most 20 year old Maxime also loves to find time to party.

All images above from Alternate Hypothesis.
Maxime Bernier
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 151 lbs
Chest: 40"
Waist: 30"
Shoe: 9.0
Hair color: Brown
Hair length: Bald
Eye color: Green
Skin color: Tanned
You can check out more of Maxime on Model Mayhem HERE:
Next 4 images from Delisoft:

Remaing shots by Behind The Lens