When I was a kid I HATED shows like Harry's Law. I remember being forced to watch Matlock and Murder She Wrote in parents home and resisted any show with an elderly crime fighter. I like Harry's Law. I don't love it but it is comforting in an odd way. Comforting in the same way I guess Matlock was to my parents. I don't consider myself old by any means but as I go through my thirties slowly I can see my tastes changing and even though I watched MTV non stop til my late twenties shows I have not turned on the channel in a few years.
Although Harry's Law hasn't aired an original storyline since it began, it does sport a stellar supporting cast that manages to make it both engaging and highly watchable. Leading the group is Kathy Bates who I think is a main reason for the familiarity. Although Bates has been acting on stage, TV and movies for decades it was not until she was in her 40's that she really hit big. Misery is considered her best work by many but my favorite role (lead role) for Bates was in Stephen King's Dolores Claiborne. I worked with Bates for three days once (by worked I mean was an extra). I cannot say that I really like her. We never spoke actually but I did get a glare or two when I sneezed as she was emoting. That did not take away for my respect for her talent or her choices of roles (which given her age/sex and size) are not abundant, Bates still finds the most fascinating women to play.
-Aml Ameen-

One of my favorite actors in Harry's Law is the talented, and beautiful Aml Ameen. Although by his accident on the show you might not know Aml is English. Aml began acting at 7 when he attended the Barbara Speake Stage School in West London. Aml is a talented dancer and singer but it was acting that he put his concentration into. Only 26, Aml particular interest lies in older films like It's A Wonderful Life and Fred Astaire movies.

Aml's first theatre job was playing the young Sammy Davis Jr (age 11) in the West End production of Jolson. He went on to take the lead in a production of Olivier. Aml's quickly moved to tv and movies and in 2006, the low budget film Kidulthood that gained him international attention. In June 2008 Ameen began A.S.A (Actors Student Alliance) a drama school set up to discover and teach untapped talent in London.

Below: Aml & Robert Whitelock in the 2009 production of Category B at London's The Tricycle Theatre.