Above: DW's first shoot with Ev in Palm Springs, 2008.
It was about a year and a half ago that I first saw shots of 27 year old Texan DW Chase. At the time I did not know the shots were from Ev Dylan but I did know there was something very special about the model and the work. DW has an amazing body, lean and strong, perfect for both fashion and fitness. His face, personality and the blond curls (now shorter) make him look right at home anywhere EV and his camera shoot him. Corn fields in Kansas, the Mojave Desert or the beaches of Australia. It is DW's face, sexy, intense which becomes the emotional focus of every shot he is in.

Ev and DW have have shot many times in so many different locations. DW is also graces the cover of Ev's first book, LUST, which was released last fall. DW impresses me with the care and work he puts into his career. His investment in the work, those he works with and those who enjoy his work. You can see this caring in every post and story he shares on his fantastic blog. DW's blog is not just a showcase for his work, it is a journal of his career, the ups, the downs, the success's and rejections. Since DW and Ev have collaborated so many times together there are many great stories of their work together.

The power of the work, and their working relationship is exceptionally clear in DW's account of their first shoot together. DW recounts that he had pretty much decided to quit modeling and that he intended this shoot with Ev to be his last modeling shoot altogether. The fact that DW and Ev have continued to shoot so many times sort of says it all...
When profiling specific shoots I try when I can to get the perspective of both the photographer and the model. I missed this step the first time I posted, but DW was great to share his thoughts on working with Ev for this post.
'In many ways I owe any success I have in the modeling world to photographer Ev Dylan. His ability to see my potential when others could not or would not gave me the chance I needed. His very high standards with models have now made me picky with whom I work with.'

DW CHASE on ModelMayhem:
DW CHASE Male Model Blog: