Alexander Chang certainly turns up the heat in this series of shots by the great Justin Monroe. 'Glamour, Trash, Sleaze' are words Alexander says he is looking for and these shots certainly deliver. Alexander calls himself a chameleon and if you check out his Model Mayhem page you will certainly see what he means, with pics like those shown here, to more soft, beautiful shots of this amazing man. Alexander has extensive dance background which you can tell by the way he is able to use his body in his work. Although these shots do not showcase his eyes, Alexander also has beautiful eyes which express so much emotion and longing. Certainly one to watch!
Alexander Chang
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 157 lbs
Shoe size: 9.5
Hair color: Black
Hair length: Short
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: Tanned
Experience: Experienced

I have presented some of Justin W. Monroe's before. I love his ModelMayhem page where he says that although he is often described as thinking outside the box, that he cannot even find the fucking box. Well, not sure what inspires Justin's work, but to me the words that most often comes to mind are beautifully raw. These words must go together, because using just one of them does not fully do his work justice. All I can tell you is I love Justin's work and each time I see one of his shots I feel the energy. Check out more of Justin's work at his site HERE: