Favorite does not always mean the best. Two of my favorite songs on Idol in the past 8 seasons were Adam Lambert's 'Tears of a Clown' and 'Mad Mad World'. Yet, he is not my favorite. His fast songs where he almost screeches the words are great, but not enjoyable to me. Lil Rounds has an amazing voice, yet as the judges tell her week after week, she is missing something and her performances are falling flat. Especially sad she does not seem to see this herself. Kris is the cutest of the group, and although very talented, not my favorite.
Matt Giraud is my favorite this season, not sure why. He is not the best singer, not the best looking, not the best performer, but there is something about him that appeals to me. His song choices have been poor, his performances hit and miss (Although this could be said about almost all of them except maybe Adam and Danny).

I was pleased that Matt was saved last night. Yeah, he will not win, but he might get another week, maybe two to entertain me. I really like all 7 singers left, and this is the first year I could say that. I was so happy to see snoozie depart last week, but now there are 7 singers who I really like. I am sure if Matt does not leave next week, Lil or Anoop will have lost a week they might have had if Matt had left last night, but I am sure it will not effect the final four of Kris, Adam, Danny and Allison.

Wasn't it great to see the joy and support for Matt from the rest of the group, especially Adam and Kris. This is what American Idol is about to me. The show pumps itself up as finding superstars, and it has on a few ocassions, but most I believe watch for great performances and scenes of emotion like we saw last night.