It is a testament to Bruce Weber's talent and work that his photos have without a doubt often become more famous than the subjects themselves. Yes Bruce has shot some big stars, including Marky Mark in his calvins, but Weber is more famous than most of his subjects due to amazing ability to not only take a great shot but because his photos transend the subject to become works of art. Photos that define what male beauty is. I was clicking and saving Weber's pics long before I knew who he was. Many who know his work, can spot a Weber shot a mile away. Not just because of how he shoots, but because his photos stand above the rest. Happy Birthday Bruce! Check out Bruce's official site HERE:

Above: Model Garrett Neff.
Below: Shots from one of the best books featuring the male form, 'Bear Pond Model'. A classic.

One of Weber's more recent shoots with model Montana Volby (is that not the best name!)

The pic below remains my all time favorite Bruce Weber photos. Just Stunning!