Patrick Wilson is one of my favorite actors. If you read this blog much at all you know this. He is so talanted as both an actor and a singer and I have a great deal of respect for the choices he has mad thus far in his career.
I have been reading a lot about Patrick and 'The Watchmen' lately and as much as it is great Patrick is getting so much attention, It also boggles my mind that with all the great performances Patrick has given, it take playing a comic book character to get him so much media attention. I remember seeing the pic below in Entertainment Weekly in I believe 2002 and asking myself who that amazing man was. I did not connect at first it was Wilson who I had already known from his stage work. Wilson has given so many great performance, he was amazing in 'Angels In America' and my personal favorite 'Little Children' which is at the top of my all time favorite movie list. I hope the attention allows Patrick to continue to choose roles he wants and not pull a 'Jude Law' and go from great roles in interesting movies to Hollywood crap films like 'Alfie'. Patrick should not be making lame romantic comedies with Kate Hudson, his talent would simply be wasted.

Yeah Yeah, you have all seen these 'Angels in America' caps before, but so what, Patrick is amazing in this project.