It is generally thought that to be a good parent you must teach your child to speak their mind, be an individual, and don't succumb to peer pressure. Most parents at least start out wanting their child to be who they are and to follow their passions.
Trouble is in many countries (North America) included people are generally punished for not maintaining the status quo. People are expected to stick with their team, even when their team might be heading towards disaster.

Over the past year I developed a respect for Cindy McCain I had not had before. Listening to her daughter Meghan and reading Meghan's book gave me a picture of a woman who managed something very few are able to. Despite the camera's of the world on she and her husband during the last Presidential race, Cindy McCain played the dutiful Stepford wife so well most people bought it. Cold, shrill were adjectives that were used to describe her. Then, after her husband lost off went the suits, on when the jeans, off went the Presidential hair (buns and all) and on came the blonder highlights. Cindy even posed fiercely for Adam Bouska's NOH8 campaign. Who would have thunk it?
Now this week Cindy seems to be back peddling a bit...guess her 'team' was not happy she actually shared what she really feels.
Politicians rarely say what they really feel. I for one am quite sure Obama supports gay marriage fully. His actions in who he hires speaks volumes. Much more than his words or his public stance on the issue along with Don't Ask Don't Tell. Obama unfortunately is attempting to appeal to both teams on the issue. Of course, because of this, both sides are turning.

When Rosie was on The View if I had to choose I certainly would have been on Team Rosie over Team Elizabeth. Yet...there were days when Rosie was a knob, a bully and totally wrong. There were just as many days Elizabeth said the more insightful things. Call me crazy but I will say again Elizabeth is the one woman on that panel who has spoken loudly and strongly about her support for gay marriage. You have to listen carefully as Joy and Whoopi usually bellow louder but Elizabeth actually stated it best. I am still shocked that most people are fooled believing Joy is a 'friend to the gay's. I know she believes in our rights but Joy can only speak in stereotypes. All her comments, her groaner jokes are about gay men being effeminate, overly sexualized, interior decorators and every other stereotype that homophobes throw at us. A few weeks ago Joy make a 'joke' regarding Bristol Palin on DWTS that Bruno was 'The only woman on Dancing With The Stars getting any'. This is how Joy shows her support... Again you have to actually listen to these women and not just through the 'team' ears.
Just because Joy appears to be on the team does not mean she is a support to it...

This world forces you to stand by your team. Republicans are supposed to support the 'team' even when Sarah Palin and the tea party are making them look like Cotton field Plantation owners. Democrats are supposed to tow the team line even though Obama is trying so hard to please everyone that he is pleasing no one (I still say Hillary would have got the job done better...). The truth of the matter is both parties have great idea's and horrible ones. The team however forces you to believe everything from your team is right and everything from their team is wrong.

When watching hockey, which I love I am sure most people root for their home State or Province. But...in the NHL being a Bruin does not mean your from Boston, or being a Maple Leaf doesn't mean your from Toronto. Most of the NHL teams are made up with players from both the US and Canada not to mention Europe and Russia.
So this post is all over the place I know so as Julie Andrews says 'Lets Go Back to the Very Beginning'.
It is generally thought that to be a good parent you must teach your child to speak their mind, be an individual, and don't succumb to peer pressure. Most parents at least start out wanting their child to be who they are and to follow their passions.
Yeah Ok...
That is why the little boy who went as Daphne from Scooby Doo was all over the news yet no news source that I know thought the little girl who came to my door as Captain Jack Sparrow was newsworthy.
Be yourself, speak your mind!!!
But...as long as it fits with the team you have been shoved in.