I have a folder on my desk top called 'blog' where I stick in shots or stories I like for future posting. Today as I was emptying it out (my criteria is usually if I waited too long and the shots are everywhere on the web I don't use them). I could not however not post these shots of model and musician Justin Gaston. Justin, who is with Vision Model Management is looking so good these days. Justin has one of the best chests and his new shots (including the shot below by Richard Pier Petit) had to be posted on FH.

I am sure you have seen them before, but the shoot with web series If I Can Dream cast Ben Elliott, Giglianne Braga and Justin for Peta is hot. Although I was always a supporter of the Peta cause, I used to think their methods were a bit extreme. That is until watching some of their videos. A bit manipulative yes, but not only painful to watch they do back up the need for Peta and its work. No matter what you believe about animals and their purpose, bringing any unneeded pain or trauma is simply not acceptable.