Above: Actor Chris Schram in Requited.
I try to present FH somewhat like a magazine. There is a cover (Pic Of The Day), regular features (Birthdays, Just Because) articles, great shots and feature stories.
Since FH posts almost daily, it is sad to see a profile that a model or photographer and I worked hard on, move quickly to page 2. Sometimes some of the features you see on FH take days and sometimes weeks of collaboration to put together. This is because most of the main features are worked on directly with the actor, model or photographer.
FH has a focus on shining a bit of a light on upcoming artists, many of whom may not getting attention elsewhere. It is those posts, when I work directly with talent that have become my favorite. Therefore now and then I am going to do a sort of 'best of' of some of the original posts and profiles in the hope that even though they may end up moving to page 2,3 or 53...they are not forgotten!
I only went back to August for the post below and as you can see even in those 3 short month there were many amazing men and talent who shared their work with FH!
Thanks to all the men below who assisted me in profiling their work!
Model & Actor Chris Durrant.

Arrian by Daniel Marcus.

Below: Chris Jordan by Brenton Parry.

Sundays With Hans brought us Adi Shein and Don't Ask Don't Tell.

Hans shots also appeared in my profile of Chris Williams (Bulldog).

Was very proud to share the work of two wonderful photographers with two incredible models.Damon Mahoney and Dale Rowse by Bill McClaren & Michael Puff.

Eric Glenn by Jim Wilkinson Images.

Gage Houser by LightWeaver.

Below: Lucas Castillo by Boxer Imaging.

Profiled two shoots by one of my favorite photographers Ev Dylan. Matthew Hartwig (l) and Levi Ward (r)

Max Kalash by Alan Armijo.

Samuel Boux made several appearances since August including shoots with Matt Kulish (right) and Chris Teel (left).

Also from Chris Teel: Jason

Model and Actor Steve Raider.

Below: Stuart Martin by Leigh Carter

Below: Tim & Tim by Zedneram Images.

Below: Tom Reader by Barnsbury Studio.

Below (l-r)
Top Row:Bruce Migliavacca, Jihaime Dos Santos by Shawa Pablo-Chester and Tom Stapledon by RC Clemmons.
Bottom Row: Two By Arrow Studio, Stewy by WM Images and Derek Allen Watson by Zeke Photography.

Below: Flyfoto provided our Halloween them as well as shots of Steve Jutzi.

FH interview with Jamie Dominic

Below: Broadway actors Charlie Sn and Sidney Erik Wright.