"All photography simply involves evoking an emotional response. Whether that response is desire for a product or appreciation of beauty comes from the ability to tell a story with one simple image." ~Ryan Colford

I have been enjoying the work of Ryan Colford on some of my favorite sites and blogs for some time. Ryan's work has been featured on Beautiful, Oh La La, DNA and many others. Although I have posted some of work's here before, I thought it was time to feature more about Ryan here on Favorite Hunks.
From Ryan's official site:
'He has been published in fashion and lifestyle magazines in America, England and Australia with a variety of features on international and local websites. Ryan Colford has also done advertising campaigns for women's clothing, actors, musicians, corporate and small businesses as well as personalized individual shoots from weddings to specialty concepts.
His artwork has been used to promote art fairs, charity events and has been exhibited in New York galleries.
He has worked with J. Walter Thompson, MTV, Viacom, BET, and other multimedia companies. He is currently based out of Staten Island and the New York Tri-State area and available for travel.'
Below: Ryan's shoot with one of my favorite new models, David M. Thomas.

Ryan has worked some of my favorite models from the biggest agencies in NY. Unlike many photographers I enjoy, Ryan's work is sometimes harder to spot because he shoots in a variety styles and with various techniques. As you can see from some of the photo's I have included here Ryan has skill in classic black and white, color as well as some of the creative series he is known. Candy and Candy Shoppes, themes Ryan has used on a couple of occasions are two of my favorites, and this combination has created some of his most vivid images.
Ryan has created some of my favorite images of male beauty as well some of the most creative. It is difficult to define Ryan's work in one word as no word fits it all.
I would say that for much of Ryan's work 'alive' and 'movement' do fit. Yes, Ryan has created some quiet, still images. In many of his shots however, I feel like I am witnessing a brief second, not just of a photo shoot, but of a moment in the model or subjects day. A moment that began before the picture and continued after. This brief snapshot of a moment makes Ryan's work stand out to me.

Above: Bri Molloy.
To see more of Ryan's work, check out:
Ryan's official site HERE:
Ryan's great blog HERE:
Ryan's facebook fan page HERE:

Above: Candyland.

Above: One of my favorite pics from Ryan of model Justin Araujo.

Above: Robert Haglage

Above: 'Two bits and a shave..?'