This is not a picture post, it is my views, feel free to skip!

The past week has had me receive my first hate emails.
Cool I guess, we cannot all agree.
I remember struggling awhile ago seperating my love of an entertainer and thier politics. The entertainer was actress Patricia Heaton. Seeing her on talk shows, I really differed with most of her views. I even stopped watching 'Everybody Loves Raymond' for awhile. Then I grew up just a little... 'Raymond' was one of my all time favorite sit-coms and Heaton as Debra was nothing short of amazing. I still don't agree with most of what she says, but that no longer stops me from enjoying her amazing work as an actress.
How sad that many cannot stomach Sean Penn movies (my all time FAVORITE actor) due to his politics. I do not want to be one of those people who shuns real talent and great work because of an actors views.
Now don't get me wrong, I might decided to throw out my DVD's of an actor convicted of some sort of violent crime or who did something pretty horrible, but there is a line.
I thought I was sort of sitting on the fence with the Palin/Letterman issue. I was critical of his joke, and stated I liked her in the past and complimented her hard work, but when push comes to shove I tend to believe she jumped on this issue with glee to scrape her way back into the headlines and onto the front pages. Just my thoughts. I hope my occasional rants on politics or a social issue don't turn people away, but if they do, oh well. Although I am not naive enough to think most click on Favorite Hunks for my views, I do hope however that the blog is just a little more than just pretty people pictures. Just a little...
But...I supported Hillary not Obama, I believe in Universal Health Care, I believe this country does not do enough to help those in need. I think the government is in far too many places they do not belong, but yet know, people are in need of financial aid right now. I want the money to go to adoption services, foster care, edcuation and not to banks and financial companies. I hate cruelty, I HATE P H and any site or person whose goal is bring others down.
But...I will be taking a bit of break from politics, I just felt there were a few public disappointments this week. The vultures decending on a good, decent man, Dustin Lance Black, Letterman, a comedian, getting called a pervert for a bad joke, a beauty queen with a right to her views, getting so much public air time, and even Obama, who I support, letting many down with the gay marriage issue.
I also know I know nothing, I just know what I feel.