I am not a hater of Sarah Palin. Even though I certainly wanted her and McCain to lose last year, I thought she got a bum rap by the press. I hate almost all of her policies but the attacks on her were directed sharply at her family and her intellence. I am someone who likes to see someone in the political arena who is not your typical Washington clone. (although maybe not as VP...). Sarah provided me with lots of laughs during the election, some intential, some not. I simply respected this woman as a hard working mother. Even though again, I would NEVER want her elected, seeing how some went after her kids was not pleasant to watch.
That being said...
Kudo's to David Letterman! Yes, without a doubt, the joke was in poor taste, really poor taste, but...when your on 4 or 5 nights a week for as many years as Letterman, that is bound to happen. But... Palin's reaction and comments about Letterman are just as bad or worse than the joke that began it all. For someone so outraged at his comments, she certainly jumped right into the mud with him. Sarah, I liked ya...not a lot, but a little but no more. Kathy Griffin summed you and your husband up quite nicely on DL the other night and I will leave it at that.
I am sure Letterman regrets his comments, they were in very bad taste, but Palin's subsequent comments are just as bad.