'Friends' like most really successful tv shows often gets dismissed. When a show is a HUGE hit, some diminish the brilliance of the writing, the stories, the acting. I have been recently rewatching some early seasons of Friends and am enjoying more now than I did on the first run. Firstly because watching anything on DVD is better than on a network. The ability to watch as many or as few episodes as you want enhances the viewing pleasure.

Although I love all the Friends, when watching the first time my favorites were Lisa Kudrow and Matthew Perry. (I still morn the loss of 'The Comeback') In rewatching I have discovered the truly amazing work done by Courtney Cox Arquette. Courtney and 'Monica' really were core to the success of Friends. Courtney who I found somewhat annoying on 'Family Ties' grew over the 10 years of Friends into a great actress. Monica's storylines in the second viewing are my favorites. Courtney walked a fine line between Monica's neurosis and vulnerabilities. Never a one note character, Monica could be the strong stable and at the same time goofy and obsessive. Her romance with Chandler was a great way to move Monica from her hunt for love to a longing for family and children. Just wanted to throw a shout out to the talented Courtney. Jennifer gets the media attention, not to mention the EMMY, but the true actress of the Friends cast to me is Courtney Cox Arquette.