Hard to believe, but it was 1 year ago that I sat down to start a blog. In the beginning, I never intended it to be a tribute to my favorite guys. It was going to be a blog with my thoughts on culture ect. Blah Blah Blah. First of all, there were already enough out there, and secondly I was not sure I wanted to have my thoughts out there on the net for ever more.
This year has been fun doing the blog, but it has been a ton of work. I actually lead a pretty full life, with work, friends, family and all my animals, not to mention taking care of my home. The birthdays have been the most work, and since I am usually not able to research them til late in the night, I have lost an hour or two of sleep each night, looking up birthdays and my favorite pics til 1 or 2 in the morning.
It is fitting, I end my first year with Christopher Atkins. The last pic of Chris laying by the pool below was the first pic I posted in this blog. Chris held a special place in helping me to discover who I am, and was the object of many fantasy's from my early years to the present.

As A year is up, change is in the air. Firstly, my space is getting up there, and in a month or so I have to decide whether to pay and get more, or move the blog. I hate when blogs change address's, they always seem to lose a bit of their personality in the move. But I will keep you informed. Secondly, starting next week, birthdays will not be daily. No worries, I will still do them, but as I have almost done a years worth, I do not want to repeat info and pictures. You can always search the blog for the date or guy. I will do birthday posts when I discover a new hunk, or new pics of an old hunk, or if I just want to spend some time looking at pics of a guy I am lusting at.

Althouh I make no illusions that this blog is mostly a picture blog, I have tried to write my thoughts on culture, politics ect from time to time. I never wanted them to overshadow the blogs theme, and hope to do more this year now that I am not spending so much time on birthdays. I promise to post every day, even on vacation, as you can prepost on Blogger. Although the daily birthdays will be gone, I am looking forward to new and interesting ways to keep the blog alive and current. It is important to me to post daily as I lose interest in blogs that have long delays in posting. Like many of you, I have routines, and checking my favorite sites each morning with my coffee before work is something I love. When a blog or site rarely updates, I usually take it of my check list. I hope to have that not happen with those who check in on a regular basis.

Anyway, thanks to all those who took the time to comment, write me a note or just enjoy the blog. I have tried to make a caring blog in that not too mean spirited. There is enough of that on the net, and in the world. My goal was to honor the men (and sometimes women) who have given me enjoyment over my 30+ years. I have made it a point to look at guys from the last 3 or 4 decades and guys just not from America, but from around the world. I have been grateful to have some of those men contact me. Most have been extremely nice and supportive. There have been a few who wanted pics removed, that is fine with me. It surprised me how many former playgirl models are now lawyers and doctors hoping their pics would disappear. I have always tried to be supportive to anyone who drops me a line. Also special thanks to fellow cappers who I have tried to credit as much as possible for their work!
Now, I have a favor. If you enjoy the blog, I want you to let me know by filling out the brief poll below. Just cut and paste it and email it to me with VOTE in the subject line. You can use the contact me link or just email to tyebriggs@yahoo.com
Please take a couple of minutes to give back if you in found some enjoyment from the blog the past 12 months. I am going to leave the voting up for 1 week, then post next week 2 lists. One, Favorite Hunks Blog Readers favorites, and secondly My, Tye Briggs top 3 favorites in each category. Although I love all the people I post about (I would not waste my time if I did not), I will share my top 3 actual favorites in each of the categories below. I will also hunt for some special pics of the winners.
Come on, It will only take a minute, just a cut and a paste!
Thanks and I hope for another great year of Favorite Hunks!!!
You can answer from the guys on the blog, or anyone else you choose.
1. Favorite Blast From the Past?
2. Favorite Playgirl Model?
3. Favorite Soap Hunk Past or Present?
4. Favorite Import?
5. Favorite Male Model?
6. Favorite Stage Actor?
7. Favorite Reality Hunk?
8. Favorite TV Star Past or Present: Male Female
9. Favorite TV Show currently on the air?
10. Favorite Classic Tv Show?
11. Favorite Part of Favorite Hunks Blog?
12 Favorite All time Hunk/Fantasy Guy for you?
Thanks Again!