Channel surfing certainly can lead me to some great talents. The other day I caught Amber Benson (So great on Buffy) in an intense scene with one of the most beautiful faces I have seen in awhile. The movie was '7 Things to do before I'm 30' and the face was that of actor John Reardon.

While researching John I was pleasantly surprised to see he was from Halifax Nova Scotia, a place I visited frequently as a kid as my fathers brother is from there. A truly beautiful part of Canada. John was a former all-star college football player who became an actor in part after watching the great Paul Newman in 'Cool Hand Luke'. After moving to Toronto and working with Second City, John got his first break with a role on lThe Chris Isaak Show.' This lead to roles on the CBC series “Edgemont” as well as guest shots on other shows. John might be known to some of you for recent roles in 'Son of the Dragon', 'White Chicks', 'Merlin's Apprentice' and 'Scary Movie 4' to name just a few of his projects. Certainly a great face, and talented actor to watch out for.