Sadly, there are some celebrities who at one time or another start to believe their own hype and publicity (Oprah anyone...). It is at that time that retiring or moving on might be the best option. I only watched a bit of this seasons Survivor. Partly because I have watched Rob and Russell before and don't generally watch re-runs. The other reason is a general annoyance with host Jeff Probst.
Jeff is certainly hot and a very a likable guy. He has also become far to full of himself. His fawning over Russell and other former Survivor's, and his attempts to be Dr. Phil (one is more than enough) at tribal councils is making the show almost unwatchable. When investing in any tv show I like to root for whom I want to and don't need the host telling me who is worthy and who is not. Jeff needs to take a page from Phil Keoghan and skillfully guide us through the journey instead of trying to tell us how to experience it. He has been on the show far too long and unless he can take a step back really should be moving on.