Photographer Mark Grantham caught the holiday spirit with these humorous holiday themed shots. Mark says although this is not his regular type of work he believes we've got to laugh at ourselves and our art some times too! Mark has been one of many artists who has been generous over the past 12 months sharing with FH. Thank you so much Mark!

Speaking of giving, if your looking for one more way to give over the holiday season how about a donation to AIDS/LifeCycle to help Mark with his 2011 ride.

'When I first did the ride (California AIDS Ride 8, in 2001) I walked into in blindly. I had no idea what I was in for as far as training, fundraising, life on the road - any of it really. In fact I had to buy a bike to participate that first year. But, I was in my early 40's and figured I'd better do it while I was able.'
This year marks the 10th anniversary of AIDS/LifeCycle and is also Mark's 10th year in the race. Every couple of years Mark takes 6 months off and train to bike 545 miles from San Francisco to Los Angeles in the AIDS LifeCycle. If you want or can help him on his 2011 journey please find out more about Mark and the ride at Mark's page at AIDS/Cycle HERE: