Jay Dean's favorite quote is:
"You get as much as you put in"If there is truth in the quote, Jay is headed for huge success. It is not easy moving from success on a local level to success on a national level. Jay has been modeling in his home town of Chicago for a few years now but is currently putting all of his energy into getting exposure beyond his home State.
I absolutely love Jay's look with his strong face which is capable of showcasing a variety of looks and emotions. Jay also has an amazing body which he works hard to keep in shape. Jay says that he is a very athletic person and plays many different sports, loves to work out, and be outdoors.
Jay is motivated to succeed both on a professional and financial level. Jay is spending the next few months traveling to build his portfolio and is hoping to work with some of the industries best photographers to create artistic images with a focus on fitness and fashion.

Jay's first step, shooting with Robert Johnson from Photography by R.J, was a smart move. Rob did an incredible job at bringing out a very mature look, both stylish and elegant. Using wardrobe and creativity, Rob creates a series of shots that display Jay at his best, showcasing both his ability to model fashion and in addition showcases his chest and body with several creative fitness shots.

With over 15 years of professional experience, Rob says that as a photographic artist he tries to capture the things he sees in his subjects as well as what his subjects do not see within themselves. In the case of his work with Jay, I think Rob did a skillful job at bringing out new facets of Jay's personality not seen in Jay's earlier work. It is important successful models don't just showcase a look, but personality and an overall image. Rob has helped Jay create a foundation which I think is going help him tremendously on his road to success.

Jay was thrilled in the results of his work with Rob and says they worked on many concepts and in the end came away with some stunning shots. Rob says Jay has a great outgoing personality.
'He takes direction extremely well and is willing to go above and beyond to get the right look/shot.' The initial focus of the shoot was on physique/fitness with a little bit of fashion thrown in. Whatever the process was I love the results. I think their work together is going to lead to greater exposure for both model and photographer.
Thanks to Jay and Rob who both helped with the post. You can check out Photography By R.J on ModelMayhem
HERE: You can also catch Jay Dean on MM
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