As you know I have a love/hate thing going with 'The View'. I only started watching during the Rosie era, and although I stopped after she left, I have been back to watching on a semi-regular basis.
Well awhile ago I wrote that I could only stomach the show on the days Barbara Walters was off, so that is when I taped it. Usually she was not on the show except for Wednesday (and the Friday taped show). Since I wrote that however, it is almost as if Barbara is trying to screw with me by appearing much more. This last week I could not escape her on the show as she has been on each and every day.
Man the woman drives me nuts. As I said before, she talks to the viewers like we are idiots, having to explain things to us as if we are all stupid. But in addition, her constant mugging, self promoting and attitude have put her on my most annoying list. Catching her this week was a mixed blessing. Yes, she still drove me as crazy as usual, but it was a nice surprise to see she was annoying her co-hosts as much or more as she does me and most of the audience.
Joy and Whoopi in particular (I believe Sherri and Elizabeth too, but they have more job security to worry about that Joy and Whoopi, so they backed away when the tension mounted) seem frequently annoyed by Bawa and her interupting and need to voice useless comments, which always wreck the flow. Poor Whoopi as moderater has little control when Bawa decides to speak. It was great fun to watch Joy and Whoopi so annoyed, whispering to one another and neither were successful at hiding it. Whoopi in particular made enough faces to the camera and audience to show how pissed she was.
This is not the first time I have seen this, I think Bawa drives Whoopi nuts every show she is on, but usally Whoopi roles with it, but this week the other ladies have had enough. It has been over a year, so it is time for Bawa to cause another co-host to depart. Of course if too many people write about this, Bawa will come on the show and address how well the women get along. But just like the Starr and Rosie days, no one will actually believe it.