This is a list of scenes from the eighties, all of which I know you have seen many times, but which hold a special place in my heart. These are the scenes that got my Pause, FF and REW button the most use on my old vhs machine. These are the scenes from the 80's that I first searched for on the net and saved in folders. These are the movies, I now have on DVD, but which I hated to part with the old VHS copies I overused so much. These are the scenes I played when spending ‘alone time’. All the guys are a bit older, some a bit bigger. Some I still love, some I wonder where they are at and some I wonder what I was thinking. Some like Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson I no longer hold a torch for due to their public lives, but I shall not forget the pleasure they gave me in 80's.
I post every day, and love doing it, but would love people to finally use the comment button and share with me the scenes that you hold dear.
Here is looking back to what I call my favorite Pause scenes from the 80's.
I capped most of the pics below, but thank the cappers who from whom I used, and for opening up the world of capping to me, and posting so many great images which have inspired me.